Saturday, September 5, 2015

Volleyball Leaves Advance with Losses

The Oran High School volleyball team lost in straight sets last night against district opponent Advance.

The Eagles fell to Hornets 15-25 and 15-25.

Kaitlyn Wittu had an ace and 2 kills.  McKenzie Belt had 2 aces  Megan Tenkhoff also added an ace.

Brianna Stause had 3 kills and a block for Oran, who is now 1-2.

The Eagles continue to struggle with injuries.

According to Coach Collier, "The Varsity game was rough. The team allowed an injury to a player the day before to discourage us, and we did not rise to the occasion. We beat ourselves out there, and did not represent our true talents and abilities. We must use it as a learning experience and allow it to push us to be better as a team. I know we can do it. Although it didn't show last night, we are a team that can do great things this season."

The junior varsity lost in straight sets also, 19-25 and 16-25.  They are now 0-3.

Oran will be back in action on Tuesday when they travel to Leopold for a 6:00 pm start.

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